Goodbye, Campus Chronicle

By Emma Ralls
Some are displayed near doors, some are suspended in clear plastic containers on the wall and others are placed proudly on Campus Concierge desks for those walking by. These newspapers have been a staple for the university’s culture since before it was actually High Point University.
“From 1926 to 1993 the High Point College Newspaper was known as the HI-PO,” a blurb on HPU’s website reads. “It changed names to Campus Chronicle in 1993 with the change of the college name to High Point University. The first three issues of the 1993 school year carried the name ‘????’ until a new name for the publication was chosen.”
The newspaper has been a presence on this campus for over 95 years. It has seen different staff, advisors and names, but its mark on this campus has never changed. Now, it is time for a fresh publication.
Campus Chronicle is transforming from a beloved newspaper to a more modernized magazine. Staying close to its roots, it’s taken on the name HI-PO Magazine and will be more appealing to students, faculty and visitors on campus.
Bobby Hayes, chair of the journalism and sports media department, has worked at HPU since 1987. He had his own stint as the adviser for Campus Chronicle for over a decade, and he supports the idea of the newspaper transitioning into a magazine.
“I think it’s an excellent decision,” Hayes said. “A magazine makes more sense since it can deal with long-form storytelling, less breaking news and more feature writing.”
Externally, these changes are grandiose. There is a new name, a new layout and a new publishing schedule. HI-PO will be a monthly magazine instead of the former biweekly format. Articles are shorter and feature-centered, instead of longer reports on hard news.
Internally, the changes are small. There remains a dedicated staff, pioneered by a powerhouse editor in chief. There are advisers who diligently work to support staff and make the magazine as successful as possible. At the end of the day, the heart is still there.
“High Point University has always provided students with a wonderful opportunity to get hands-on experience creating a student-run publication,” said Pam Haynes, assistant vice president for communications at HPU and the past adviser of Campus Chronicle.
“I am so excited that HI-PO is returning as a magazine, and I know this publication will equip students with technical and life skills they can use to land internships and jobs. It remains a great example of HPU’s commitment to experiential learning.”
To Campus Chronicle, the first place I felt ac- accepted and welcomed at HPU, an organization that won my heart over from the minute I sat down at my first meeting and agreed to write an article on the 2019 fall concert — you will be missed.
To HI-PO Magazine, we welcome you. We’re excited to see what you will look like, what you will bring to the table and how we will grow with you.