A final farewell from our senior editor: Nicholas Bainbridge

By Nicholas Bainbridge
News Editor
I joined the Campus Chronicle during my freshman year at High Point University. I was drawn in by the opportunity to build my resume by writing some articles. I never thought of myself as a reporter. I found the idea unappealing at first.
But I could hardly turn down the opportunity to get some of my writing published.
Writing for the paper quickly became more than about stockpiling a portfolio. I soon found myself appreciating the practice of journalism itself. It pushed me to learn more about what was going on around HPU and form connections with people I’d otherwise have never met.
During my time reporting, I’ve covered several topics, including club events, faculty research and Student Government Association meetings. I even interviewed President Nido Qubein on the construction of new additions to campus. All of these opportunities have been a huge boon to me, enabling me to be more well-rounded and informed about the world around me.
I wrote articles for every edition, and my dedication was quickly noticed. During my first year with the paper, the news section editor took a semester abroad.
After I had built up my reputation as a reliable team member, I was given the chance to become an editor. I seized the opportunity and have never looked back.
Working as the news editor gave me a great deal of perspective. Not only did I have to keep up with my previous responsibilities of writing articles, but I needed to be someone others could follow.
Corresponding with my writers and guiding them through the writing process has improved my ability to collaborate and be a leader. This was a bit daunting, as I was uncertain how to approach new writers in the early stages. Luckily, I received a lot of guidance from the other editors.
Devon Wilkinson, the editor in chief when I first became news editor, was a valuable resource for me. Her insight into the editing process and how to stay connected with writers has given me a set of skills that will be useful to me, even when I move away from journalism.
Last year, when I was serving as editor in chief, all the skills I built up over two years were put to the test. Working with editors and understanding all of the nuances of the layout process developed my skills even further, and I think it is the most fulfilling position someone can have working on campus.
Being completely responsible for everything being done and seeing the new editions printed every other week filled me with pride. I am even more proud to have passed this on to my successor: the ever-capable Nicole Prince.
If there is one person I am most grateful for, it is Pam Haynes. As the supervisor of the paper, she has been a guiding light for everyone who has worked on the Campus Chronicle. She always shows us how we can improve and become better journalists. She is also receptive to new ideas to improve the efficiency of the paper.
When I suggested making changes to the editing process, requiring editors to share their articles with the
editor in chief earlier, she was receptive to the proposal. After some testing, it soon became our standard practice.
It is only with her continual support and openness to explore new opportunities that I was able to be as effective as I was with the paper.
I would highly recommend writing for the paper, even on an irregular basis. The opportunities it can open up will give you more chances than you could predict.