What’s happening during Greek Week?

Listed is a schedule of events for students to enjoy during this year’s Greek Week. Image from HPU Fraternity and Sorority Life’s Instagram, @hpu_fsl
By Elise Coby
Organizations Editor
Greek Week at High Point University is one of the most well-known events among students especially involved in fraternity and sorority life. This year, Greek Week will commence in person and follow safety precautions of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Until April 16, fraternities and sororities of campus can participate in numerous events to become involved in community service, gain participation points and
engage in friendly competition. Five teams will have the chance to win the most points through winning these various activities. The participating five teams are represented by fraternities and sororities across the Panhellenic Interfraternity Council and the National Panhellenic Council.
Rowan Geukgeuzian, the vice president of Community Relations on the Panhellenic Executive Council, discussed the progression of the event and what is to come on campus.
“With points, we are doing a mixture of participation in old-school competition, such as volleyball, kickball,” Geukgeuzian said. “There’s also a cornhole tournament, so members are able to enter as many teams as they want, and they will get points for as many teams that win these activities. The point system is about effort, participation and respect for others on other teams, as well as faculty and the people putting on these events for us.”
The COVID-19 pandemic has placed many restrictions on campus life, but Greek Week is set to persevere through this challenging time to bring members of the Greek community together in a safe way.
“So far, because of COVID, the way we are doing Greek Week is through numerous events online that have passed, as well as ongoing events,” said Geukgeuzian. “Coming up, there is ‘Greek Gives Back to First Responders’ where members can send cards to a local firehouse, nurses, police officers, EMTs and even faculty on campus. They will get reimbursed for the involvement through points. It is a great way to give back to the community and thank them, especially at this time with COVID.”
The point competition emphasizes the importance of respectability. This year, with the pandemic, team members are able to gain further points through mask-wearing and respecting federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. Respect points are an efficient way to make sure students are remaining aware of COVID-19 restrictions, as well as sportsmanship, while still enjoying the camaraderie of Greek Week activities.
Geukgeuzian discussed the Greek committee’s hopes to advance Greek activities for the fall semester.
“We work together as a committee to bring together Greek life at HPU and to run Greek Week itself,” Geukgeuzian said. “We hope to also bring back ‘Greek’s Got Talent’ in the fall, and we’re very optimistic for this upcoming semester.”
The winners of the five participating teams will be announced on April 17, and first place will be presented in recognition of the team that gathered the most points.
For information on Greek Week and other Greek events, students can contact Geukgeuzian at rgeukgeu@highpoint.edu, the Office of Student Life at studentlife@highpoint.edu or HPU Fraternity and Sorority Life on Instagram, @hpu_fsl.