Alpha Lambda Delta helps HPU freshmen transition into college

Incoming freshmen attending the Alpha Lambda Delta Induction ceremony. Photo by
By: Aleah Hayes
Staff Writer
Alpha Lambda Delta is a national honor society with over 280 chapters that celebrates first-year students’ academic excellence. When its High Point University chapter was established in 2015, it created a goal for incoming freshmen to excel academically by pushing themselves inside and outside the classroom.
The number of members has grown tremendously, encompassing the top 20% of full-time freshmen.
When the current executive board was first initiated, it noticed there were processes within the chapter that could be improved to increase efficiency. It decided to increase the number of events in order to strengthen interactions among members and connect members with faculty. Alpha Lambda Delta’s overarching goal is to become a more prominent organization in the minds of the general student body.
One of the biggest changes the current executive board implemented at the beginning of this school year was an attendance policy based on members’ undergraduate class status. Members must attend a certain number of events and have a 3.3 cumulative GPA in order to receive a free graduation cord.
For this academic year, sophomores are expected to attend three events, juniors need to go to two events, and seniors must go to a single event. Attendance rates have drastically increased for every event, setting a new standard for the chapter to uphold.
There are more than five events per semester, providing a balance between entertainment and academic activities. On Feb. 13, it paired sugary treats with chocolate fondue for HPU’s first-ever Chocolate Night. Another event was the Donut Stress event, where 91 members enjoyed donuts to escape the pressure of midterms in a relaxing environment. The biggest turnout was the Ice Cream Social, which began on Oct. 1. with 104 members present. The purpose of this event was to familiarize new members with the current executive board.
For academic events, they started an academic success series. These events are designed to teach students more about HPU’s resources that help to prepare them for the professional world. Faculty members answered questions about scholarships and career decisions. In order to increase attendance for academic events, free food was provided for members from local restaurants.
The most recent event called “Internchips” focused on applying for summer internships and how to reach out to professionals through Linkedin. The honors society brought food from a local Mexican restaurant for members to create their own chips and salsa plates during the presentation.
The current executive board has transformed Alpha Lambda Delta from a resume booster to a resource for academic and career growth. In the following years, it plans to continue increasing its dedication to these events.
The executive board believes it is important for Alpha Lambda Delta to perfect the attendance policy so that every member has a clear understanding of the requirements for a graduation cord. The biggest goal they want to achieve is to be recognized or a big annual event that people who are not members can participate in.
With most of the current executive board members graduating, they hope to dedicate the new semester to new members who bring fresh, new ideas to the table to enhance their presence. The people who make up their executive board are the secret to their success by being driven to achieve a common goal.
They are seeking a new committed team that is ready to put in the work to take this chapter to the next level for years to come.