New crazy drink trends: Are they worth all the hype?

By Ally Ortolani // Staff Writer
Social media is always ahead of the curve in identifying the quirky yet bizarre drink trends. Instagram and Facebook are prime examples of what seems to be always filled with over-the-top milkshakes, juice cleanses, boxed water, weight loss tea and of course, my favorite, kombucha. With all the intriguing drinks you might see on social media, are these eccentric, crazy beverage trends worth the hype?
Over-the-top milkshakes.These shakes are increasingly prevalent on Instagram, Pinterest and even Facebook feeds. And who wouldn’t be attracted to the highly caloric, extremely sweet beverages? While the drinks may look very inviting, the prices are not. These extremely popular drinks can cost up to $20, and for what? A cheesy Instagram post? Do people genuinely enjoy drinking them, or do they like the idea of posting it to their social media?
Boxed water. Boxed water is yet another bizarre concept. You would think people normally drink water from a water bottle, but millennials seem to find unconventional ways to drink simple things like water. And just like the other drink trends, boxed water does not come cheap. You could spend several dollars for the basic necessity of water. Personally, I do not think it’s worth the hype of spending the absurd amount of money on something as simple as water. It’s just as easy to be environmentally friendly by refilling a reusable water bottle every day.
Fit Tea. Similarly, when scrolling through social media, many of us may or may not have scrolled past celebrities promoting Fit Tea. Allegedly, Fit Tea claims to boost energy, boost metabolism, and burn fat. Kim Kardashian, along with the rest of the Kardashian clan, is famous for promoting this particular brand, and of course they are compensated for promoting Fit Tea. Kourtney Kardashian states in one advertisement, “Back to my morning routine. I’m starting the day with my @fittea. Teatime! #ad.” But how much can consumers truly believe what the Kardashians are promoting?
Kombucha. Personally, I’d like to think of myself as a kombucha connoisseur. On a weekly basis, or even the span of several days, I could consume upwards of 12 bottles of kombucha. That’s nearly 200 ounces, and keeping up with my addiction does add up. For a case of 12 bottles, it costs approximately $40, which comes out to $2.97 a bottle if you’re shopping at the Walmart in High Point. Other stores may charge upwards of $6 a bottle depending where you shop. For me, kombucha is 100 percent worth the hype, despite the steep price. Unlike sugary, over-the-top milkshakes and other highly caloric beverages, kombucha poses many health benefits.
With the costly prices for these zany drink trends, I find myself spending copious amounts of money. Perhaps it isn’t worth spending money on something that only lasts short-term, but as a Millennial, admittedly I feel compelled to spend the money for the sole purpose of posting it to social media. But of course, at the end of the day, it’s up to you as the consumer to decide whether or not these drinks are worth the hype and money.