High Point University

To Right Love On Her Arms suicide prevention week

By Hannah Corwin, Staff Writer//

Every day, about 86 Americans commit suicide, and another 1,500 attempt to. That’s nearly 800,000 lives a year lost. Suicide prevention week takes place every year in America. This year, it was Sept 14-18. It serves as a way to start the conversation about mental health and to encourage people with mental illness to not be ashamed. High Point University’s chapter To Write Love on Her Arms participated in this year’s National Suicide Prevention Week.
To Write Love On Her Arms is a nonprofit movement that is dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-harm, and suicide. It is a national organization, with chapters in colleges all across the country. The organization is a place where college kids can connect and help spread awareness about mental health and mental health issues. According to Martha Stride, a HPU member of To Write Love on Her Arms, throughout the year the club offers, “stress reliever nights, uplifting activities and support for people seeking help.”
HPU’s chapter worked hard this year during Suicide Prevention Week. Their slogan was, “ We’ll see you tomorrow.” In previous years, their slogans have been, “No one else can play your part,” and “You cannot be replaced.” This year, students signed the poster that proclaimed We’ll See You Tomorrow with all the reasons why they would be seen tomorrow. According to Martha Stride, “This really made a lot of people think about why they were important and what they had to offer.”
As a whole, To Write Love on Her Arms spent the week showing their support by wearing orange and yellow ribbons, hosting bake sales, using iPads with interactive games with prizes, and handing out information cards. According to chapter president Brooke Liberto, the club raised over $300. They also hosted a trivia Quizlet, where students could test their knowledge on what they know about suicide in America.
To Write Love on Her Arms worked incredibly hard this year to help raise awareness and prevent suicide. They were able to raise money to donate to suicide prevention and inspire and motivate HPU’s student body. They were also able to help students realize that they are important and that they would be missed. Now the members of To Write Love on Her Arms continue their mission to help protect HPU students and be a friend to those who are having a difficult time.