SGA updates student body

SGA meets twice each month to discuss COVID-related issues and to drive important discussions for the student body. Image by HPU SGA
By Noah Stern
Sports Editor
This year’s SGA, led by SGA President Sam Carr, is working around the COVID-19 pandemic to continue their great work and active involvement on campus. But a lot of students may wonder, what kind of things has the organization been working on this semester?
The class of 2023 is currently working on a technology drive for Guilford County Schools. They are looking to provide iPads, computers and any other types of technology available for after-school programs, like Boys & Girls Club, YMCA and YWCA. This way, young students in the area have a place to go and are able to do their schoolwork virtually. Correspondingly, SGA is developing a clothing and school supplies drive for local schools. There is a box in every living community on campus for students to donate clothes or supplies. Recently, SGA has considered starting an endowed scholarship for a local student who wants to attend HPU. The organization has reached out to donors in the area for potential funding of the scholarship.
“We want to put it in our bylaws that every semester, the SGA Executive Council has to give to the fund,” said Carr.
On Sept. 22, there was a culture appreciation series, LatinaX, in the John and Marsha Slane Student Center Café, led by Diversity Chair Sydney Sullivan. The event featured plenty of delicious Latino food, along with giveaways from various culturally diverse organizations. LatinaX will take place every month, each time representing a different culture. Additionally, the executive council is partnering with the Campus Activities Team to start registering students to vote in North Carolina.
“Something that a lot of students don’t realize, since they live in High Point, is that they can register to vote here,” said Carr, referring to out-of-state students who aren’t native to North Carolina.
SGA has also been managing COVID-19-related restrictions and complications on campus. Most recently, Carr released a statement that entailed new policies and guidelines to be put in place on Sept. 25 at 5 p.m. Under the new policies, clubs may operate with 25 people indoors and 40 people outdoors. All meetings must be reserved and approved in advance through 25Live and Campus Concierge. Additionally, off-campus meetings will continue to be prohibited, unless they have also been approved.
“The decrease in [case] numbers is promising to see, so we’re looking into going back to in-person meetings,” Carr said.
Remaining cautious, SGA is considering reopening clubs sparingly. Carr compared this process alongside what some states are implementing with reopening phases. SGA is also exploring the idea of a “Spring Bash.” The organization would partner with different administrators and CAT to host a week or weekend of fun.
“We didn’t get a derby day,” said Carr. “We didn’t get a chance to have a fall concert. We want to ensure that our students can have something fun after this ends.”
Although there have been less events and activities happening around campus due to COVID, the executive council has still had to maintain their responsibilities of management and monitoring students. Clubs and organizations have had to look to SGA’s executive council for approval and any available information.
“We’ve been given much more responsibility, and a lot of that has fallen on us to ensure that our students are doing the right things,” said Carr.
It’s a different kind of semester for all, including SGA, as they continue representing HPU’s student body and making difficult decisions for everyone’s safety.