Upcoming Access to Innovators: Wozniak and Randolph

By Faith Foushee
Digital Media Editor
High Point University is known for its access to in- novators and professionals, often inviting them to campus to mentor students in their respective industries. Cynt Marshall, Byron Pitts and Scott McKain are among the professional mentors at HPU. When innovators visit the campus, they often speak to large groups of students and have a meal with students in related majors.
The most recent innovator to visit campus was Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, on Feb. 10. As HPU’s Innovator in Residence, Wozniak held a question-and- answer session with students. Dr. William Gentry, HPU’s Director of Career and Professional Development, moderated the discussion.
In addition to the question-and-answer session, students had the opportunity to meet and greet Wozniak in the Wanek School of Natural Sciences’ lobby from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.. Students did not need tickets or reservations to attend these events.
While Steve Jobs acted as the face of the Apple brand, Wozniak was the main developer. Wozniak spoke about his experience and the many struggles he faced as Apple grew from its startup in a garage.
Wozniak shared valuable lessons on life, innovation and entrepreneurship. His personal and professional wisdom can be applied to any field, so the event was open to all students.
Asking questions and hearing from successful individuals is an experience that can help guide students while they take the next steps towards their careers and apply for internships.
Hearing professionals discuss their successes and failures can remind students of how success is obtainable through lessons of failure. HPU’s focus on growth mindset allows students to prepare themselves for setbacks and how to improve upon them.
The next global titan coming to campus is Marc Randolph, co- founder of Netflix and HPU’s Entrepreneur in Residence. He will visit campus on Feb. 24, at 10:45 a.m. in Congdon Hall’s Callicutt Auditorium,fora question-and-answersessionwithRev.Dr.Joe Blosser, HPU’s Robert G. Culp Jr. Director of Service Learning, as the moderator.
The discussion will be focused on the topic of social entrepreneurship and will be aimed at guiding students in the development of their business ideas. The discussion will be relevant to all majors like Wozniak’s event and is open to all students.
Students interested in entrepreneurship, communications or any business- related major may also find this discussion fitting for their future career goals. There are no tickets or reservations required for this event.
As an entrepreneur, Randolph has relevant experience that he can share with students to fuel their passions and help turn their ideas into reality. His advice has helped HPU students in the past to begin their own companies. One example is former HPU student Emily De Lena, who owns and operates her company called DomTech sports.
Netflix is an example of how a company must remain aware of the newest technology to thrive. Netflix originally began with a business model of mailing DVDs and video games to people’s homes. Today, Netflix is a streaming application with a rotation of films and television series from various networks, as well as original creations of its own.
While no longer a part of the company, Netflix was a major component of Randolph’s career. He will speak about the lessons he learned through his work, both connected and separate from the major streaming platform.
HPU students are encouraged to take advantage of these available resources and opportunities of attending the upcoming events with the HPU Innovator and Entrepreneur in Residence to acquire new knowledge, network and broaden one’s thinking.