Shedding blood in order to save others

By Nicholas Bainbridge// News Editor
When it comes to making an impact, some say that it requires blood, sweat and tears, the first of which is in high demand. On January 23rd, members of the American Red Cross were invited by the High Point University Volunteer Center for a blood drive.
Members of the HPU community stopped by the Slane gymnasium to offer some of their blood so that it can be put to use in life saving surgeries. There was a firm desire amongst donors to help strangers requiring aid.
“I have donated blood before and I saw that they had an urgent need for my blood type,” commented Ashtyn Gerhart, a student at High Point University, on her motivations for participating in the blood drive.
The HPU volunteer center has partnered with the American Red Cross in several previous blood drives, with their most recent one being directed towards aiding the survivors of the recent storms that have wracked the east coast.
“Every few months our club runs a blood drive,” explained Mikayla Labbe, the vice president of the HPU volunteer center. “I would say that it is one of our biggest contributions to the university and community.”
According to Ms. Labbe, the decision to host the event in the gymnasium served two distinct purposes. First, people who passed through the area without prior knowledge of the event were able to discover it, leading to the blood drive receiving an increased number of donations. Second, it provided students easier access for the students who may not have the time or transportation resources to travel to an off-campus site for the blood drive.
The latter of the two justifications is supported by how some students expressed appreciation for the convenience of having the event on campus.
“I think it’s nice to have it here for students who do not want to get off campus,” commented Ashtyn Gerhart as she waited her turn to offer blood.
After donors gave blood, they were directed to a rest area where they were provided with refreshments to ensure that they recovered properly, and to keep an eye on would-be donors who passed out before having their blood drawn.
At the end of the event, the American Red Cross left with several pints of blood from the various donors, resolving to ensure that it is put to proper use.
Donors preparing to give blood in the Slane Student Center
Photo by Nicholas Bainbridge