Why you should live how Kris Jenner does

By Ann Shelley// Opinion Editor
Kris Jenner is truly an icon in today’s society. I understand that “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” can be seen as a silly show to watch due to its blandness and lack of important information. Yet millions of people watch the show religiously. “Keeping up with the Kardashians” has been airing for 15 seasons since Oct. 14, 2007, according to “E!” Network. Although Kim Kardashian received most of the spotlight at first, her sisters quickly followed in her footsteps. Why is this? Kris Jenner is the ultimate mom-manager. She raised an empire that has become a tremendous success due to Kris Jenner’s work ethic.
The “Kardashian” brand was built primarily off of the release of a sex tape featuring Jenner’s second daughter, Kim Kardashian. At first, they were known as being “famous for being famous.” However, Kris Jenner shaped the business philosophy. The Kardashians are a family who is famous for their TV show.
What does Kris Jenner have that you don’t? Confidence. Kris Jenner had enough confidence in her children and their abilities that she persuaded respected Hollywood producer Ryan Seacrest to film a show on her family. Kris Jenner exemplifies the concept of having an idea and following through to make it happen. This is how everyone should act when trying to go for something you care about.
“If somebody says no, you’re talking to the wrong person,” is one of Kris Jenner’s most famous quotes. If someone tells you no, that doesn’t mean you should give up on your ideas. You need to find someone who will see the potential in your business plan. If you pitch it to 100 people, maybe only one will say yes while 99 others say no. This is just a part of life. What can set you apart from the rest is taking the extra time to find that one “yes” after a tsunami of “no’s.”
Kris Jenner is the definition of hustle. Her daughters have started their businesses and her youngest daughter, Kylie Jenner, has recently become one of the youngest billionaires with the success of the Kylie Jenner makeup brand. Kim quickly followed the trend and came out with her own brand of makeup.
As far as the other daughters go, Kendall Jenner is one of the top models in the world and continuously featured on the runway catwalks. Khloe Kardashian has her own jean/clothing brand that has turned quickly into an empire. Kourtney Kardashian ran “Dash,” a clothing company, for a while but now decides to stay at home to focus on her kids. However, all of Jenner’s Daughters have their empires that they couldn’t have started without the guidance of their mother.
Kris Jenner embodies the “just-get-your-foot-in-the-door” attitude. When they were first starting as a family, she took any deal she could. They endorsed whoever because she knew this is where you have to begin. Take notes, you future CMO’s. Jenner didn’t just see a family, she saw an opportunity to create one of the most famous families in the world. Jenner is always on her phone, sending emails and consistently proving that hard work pays off. The best way to go about it is to take risks and find the right people to accompany you. Kris Jenner is successful because she knows how to go for it.
Jenner is the best example of a marketing genius because she brings a trend-cutting edge to society. Her brand is something that is irreplaceable and has brand consistency. Jenner is an iconic individual who has not changed the look of the Kardashian family since the beginning. She has only made it better. Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Kendall and Kylie all started their own empires and their mother manages all of them. This helps Jenner ultimately keep the same consistent look to the “Kardashian” brand and makes sure nothing damages it.
Overall, I believe you should live like Kris Jenner because she knows how to hustle to get what she wants. She is confident in herself, and I think a lot of us lack this in the current day. If all of us lived with the confidence of Kris Jenner, we would all be “boss women” who take life by storm. She knows how to market and talk business. Marketing is all about selling a brand that society can get behind, aka the Kardashians. If we all took her advice on persistence and worked as hard as Kris Jenner does, we can achieve anything.
Kris Jenner is an icon in todays society with her Kardashian Empire. Photo by Pinterest.