Help make a difference with Operation Smile

By Ally Ortolani// Organizations Editor
Operation Smile allows students to better the lives of children who suffer from a cleft palate and cleft lip by participating in fundraising events to enable these children to get the treatment and surgeries they deserve. This organization is not just exclusive to High Point University’s campus, but also a variety of others across the nation. Operation Smile is a nonprofit service organization founded in 1982 that strives to find proper surgical care for children suffering from these difficulties. Students of the organization on HPU’s campus additionally wish to gain a better understanding of how cleft palate and cleft lip impact children across the globe. By increasing education and awareness, students can play a part in changing a child’s life, and most especially, their smile by joining Operation Smile.
“We hope everyone enjoyed their MLK day! Here’s a quote to remind ourselves of the importance of small kindnesses,” Operation Smiles quotes in a Facebook post. “Awareness and fundraising are just two simple ways you can make a tremendous difference in the lives of many. We can’t wait to spend another semester sharing smiles!”
Currently, the Operation Smile chapter at HPU has a growing number of followers and is also very much active on campus. The organization has hosted numerous events such as “Barberitos Percentage Night.” By mentioning “Operation Smile” at checkout, 10 percent of a student’s order went towards providing life-altering surgery for children with cleft lip and cleft palate. Other events include, “Kickboxing For A Cause”–which was hosted right on HPU’s campus–as well as brainstorming meetings about fundraising events and other information sessions on cleft palate and cleft lip education and awareness.
“Thanks to her mother Yerling’s love, persistence and dedication, at seven months old Marianna received surgery to repair her cleft condition,” said an Instagram post, posted by the organization on Nov. 6. Students not only at HPU but across the nation are bringing awareness to such a prevalent issue in society.
“Current Operation Smile volunteers from various specialists and 17 countries, including plastic surgeons, anesthesiologists, and pediatricians, facilitated training opportunities for medical professionals interested in volunteering on our missions around the world,” said another Instagram post from the HPU Operation Smile Organization.
Although there is not a specific meeting time for the organization, be sure to check out their Instagram @hpuoperationsmile or their Facebook page @hpuoperationsmile for announcements from the organization. For more specific questions, email As a growing organization on campus, HPU’s chapter of Operation Smile hopes to grow in numbers and develop new volunteer opportunities. They hope to help make a difference and change the lives of children that suffer from a cleft palate and cleft lip.
Graphic of Operation Smile’s trademarked logo. Photo by