How to start your own club on campus

By Ally Ortolani// Organizations Editor
Each semester, High Point University hosts a club fair for students who wish to become more involved on campus. Students can get involved through a number of different ways, such as Greek life, student government, club sports, political interests, general interests, and much more. Any student can start their own club, even freshmen. However, starting a new organization may take more time than expected, so be sure to plan ahead. Rising junior, Victoria Provenzano, started her own club in high school.
She claims, “starting my own club was a great way to meet people who shared similar interests like me. I’m grateful for the people I met and how I learned crucial leadership skills.” HPU is fortunate enough to allow freshmen or students from any class to show-off their leadership skills. Allowing students to establish their own organization during their first year, gives freshmen an opportunity to build their resume.
In order to start a new, recognized organization, it is impertinent to have the following factors:
Establishing a Constitution
Faculty Advisor
Official Roster of Members
Attend at least two SGA meetings before meeting with the Student Life Committee
These guidelines as mentioned earlier are some of the most important regulations to keep in mind. Additionally, students have the option to either establish an organization that is chartered or recognized. Under a chartered organization, the given organization can submit bills and request a budget up to any amount; however, recognized organizations cannot submit bills, and can only request a budget of up to 1,000. To read more about the specific guidelines for becoming a chartered or recognized organization, be sure to check out (, or visit Student Life in the Slane Student Center for further information.
From a second year perspective, I have considered starting my own organization. At the beginning of my freshman year, I had gained a keen interest in playing the ukulele. My liking for the instrument went as far as naming her, Tikiki. However, with all the other organizations, I was already a part of, starting a new organization, unfortunately, didn’t fit into my schedule. And for anyone is reading this article, please start a ukulele club, it would be much appreciated. Joining or establishing your own club is a tremendous resume builder and is a phenomenal way to show off one’s leadership skills. Freshmen might also find this as a great way to meet individuals who share similar interests.
In sum, becoming involved in even one campus involvement isn’t a demanding time commitment; but, for those who are intrigued by more time-consuming opportunities on campus, you may be spending more time than playing the ukulele. And for the freshman reading, I strongly advise you to join at least one club and take full advantage of what HPU has to offer. In the wise words of our President Nido Qubein, “Be Extraordinary.”