End of the year Greek recap

By Veronica Fulton// Organizations Editor
The end of the semester is quickly approaching. The Greek community has been very active within the past few weeks, raising money for philanthropies, participating in each other’s events, performing in Greeks Got Talent and more.
The Greek community has raised awareness and money through events such as Zeta Tau Alpha’s Crown Classic golf tournament, which benefitted breast cancer research. Some organizations started new traditions, like Alpha Gamma Delta’s first annual carnival, which was held on April 2 to benefit diabetes research and to raise awareness. They had food, games, bounce houses, a dunk tank and a mechanical bull.
Kappa Alpha, Sigma Nu and Kappa Sigma came together for a Casino Night on Feb. 25. Students paid for a ticket to get in and were given fake money to play different casino games throughout the night.
Every year Kappa Delta hosts a shamrock-themed event for the campus and neighboring community. This year they continued the tradition of doing a 5K and fun run for the kids. Their Shamrock 5K took place in Greek Village on April 2. All of the proceeds went to Prevent Child Abuse America (PCAA) and the local Family Service of the Piedmont, which helps children and families going through abuse in the area. They raised nearly $20,000 for the kids.
This spring, Beta Theta Pi did their second annual corn hole tournament to raise money for the Make-a-Wish Foundation of Central and Western North Carolina. They raised $4,000 to help a child’s wish come true. They had 15 sets of corn hole set up, and a lot of food for all the participants and crowd.
Phi Mu collected more than $3,000 worth of toys for the Duke Children’s Hospital. Students were asked to donate hypoallergenic toys, as well as participate in various philanthropy events throughout the week.
On April 23, Kappa Sigma and Sigma Sigma Sigma joined together for a dodgeball tournament to benefit Sigma Sigma Sigma’s philanthropy, March of Dimes, and also Kappa Sigma’s philanthropy, A Greater Cause Foundation.
Kappa Alpha Order’s philanthropy is Operation K.A.R.E., which is focused on giving back to veterans. This past year, their chapter teamed up with The Independence Fund, an organization focused on providing wounded veterans with the mobility they once had. Together, the brothers gave a wounded and deserving veteran a state-of-the-art track chair that can cover just about any outdoor terrain. As a chapter, they successfully raised $52,000 over a year in order to provide two injured veterans with track chairs. They reached out to more than 300 donors in 28 different states in order to raise the money.
Pi Kappa Phi held the War of the Roses and held events throughout the week that each sorority participated in. They held their annual bike-a-thon, as well as give-back nights and a date auction where they raised money to benefit the Ability Experience, which helps build and improve handicap structures, as well as provide programs for people and disability camps across the country.
At Greeks Got Talent on April 5, the sororities participated by submitting dances as their acts. Tickets were sold in advance and at the door, and went directly towards the Greek Leadership Scholarship Fund. One of the Alpha Chi Omega submissions, a Drake and Rihanna mashup, won fan favorite and first place in the competition. At this event, the Greek Week partners were pulled from a hat.
On March 31, Beta Theta Pi officially had their installation ceremony in the Webb Conference Center.
The past few weeks have been full of Greek events, and the Greek community can not wait for recruitment in the Fall.