High Point University

SGA announces new designation for HPU clubs

By Lona Williams//Photography & Online Editor

On Jan. 19, the Student Government Association announced a new type of student organization. In addition to chartered organizations, the SGA will now allow for recognized organizations to join the governing body.

This change will make it easier and quicker for students to create clubs and have them recognized by the SGA. Additionally, smaller clubs that are already chartered can go through the process and no longer have to attend as many senate meetings to stay in good standing.

“It is a big undertaking to do this, but my executive council and I felt that it was the right time to implement such an idea,” said Rachel Callaway, SGA president.

Restructuring the senate this way has been in the works for over eight years, and the executive council feels it will serve as a benefit to the organizations that are already part of the SGA, as well as those organizations that wish to be part of the senate in the future.

Rather than having to go before the Student Life Committee, organizations who want to be considered recognized clubs must attend three SGA meetings. Once recognized, a representative would need to attend four meetings throughout the semester rather than seven in order to stay in good standing. These organizations would also be able to ask for a budget of up to $1,000 every semester.

The significance of this transition is that the clubs that do not submit bills and only have budget requests during the semester won’t be required to attend the every senate meeting in order to remain in good standing.

The SGA hopes this new club designation will motivate students who may have been hesitant to go through the previous club approval process to start clubs on campus.

This transition into a chartered versus recognized senate will take effect after spring break.

The SGA meets twice a month to discuss different issues around campus. The next meeting will be held on March 2 at 7 p.m. in Phillips 120. For a full list of meeting dates, visit www.highpoint.edu/SGA.