High Point University

Sarah Moss: President Profile

By Erika Esterline// Staff Writer

Despite the added pressure that comes with becoming president of a club, sophomore Sarah Moss has taken on this responsibility for not just one club, but two.

Moss is president of both the College Republicans Club and High Point University’s United Nations Organization.

“As president, learning how to adapt to the needs of our club and the interests of our members can be challenging, but it’s worth it,” Moss said. “Coming into this year, I really wanted to bring new ideas to the club and expand our membership. [United Nations] is so important to me and has taught me so much even from being in it just for a year, that I want to share all that knowledge with our new members.”

In addition to adapting to the changes that occur within a club, Moss also holds the responsibility of overseeing all events and planning.

“As president of HPU’s United Nations Organization, I am responsible for planning meetings and debates, judging debates, teaching our members about international relations and debating, fundraising for UNICEF, as well as planning and attending conferences,” Moss said. “Our club’s main focuses are discussing international issues, learning and using debate skills, and practicing public speaking skills.”

Moss first developed an interest in the United Nations Organization during her freshman year. As an international relations – political science student, the club offered an outlet for the things she was passionate about. “I would constantly be researching international issues and always be thinking about the best way to resolve them, thus, this was the best club for my interests,” Moss said. “I went to the first meeting and became hooked. As the months went on, I wanted to get more involved. I ran for several positions but never was elected.”

Despite not being elected initially, Moss decided to keep pursuing leadership in the organization.

“I worked harder in the club and tried to show my capability so that eventually I could be elected for a position,” Moss said. “Last spring, as a club, we decided we needed a change in our club’s structure and dynamic and I brought several new ideas to the executive board,” Moss said. “The former president, Eric Medore, then had an idea to mentor me into becoming president for this year and we would work together on expanding the club, structuring our meetings, and attending new conferences.”

Now as president of HPU’s United Nations Organization and the College Republicans Club, Moss encourages others to step up and take leadership positions wherever they can.

“With time and effort, anything is possible. Even if you run for a position and do not get it the first time, there are always more opportunities,” Moss said. “Do not be discouraged, but be empowered and inspired to work harder. One of the most important requirements to become president of a club is passion. If you have enough passion, it will become contagious and spread to your members.”

United Nations meets on Mondays at 7:30 p.m. in Wilson School of Commerce, room 229.