High Point University

Josh Schuman joins Office of Student Life staff

Pictured above is Assistant Director of Greek Life Josh Schuman, one of the many new staff members joining HPU for the 2016-17 school year. Photo submitted

By Devon Wilkinson// Staff Writer

High Point University is more than meets the eye in many ways, and it takes hundreds of dedicated faculty and staff members to keep the school running smoothly. Just one of those people that is devoted to the well being of HPU’s students is Josh Schuman, the new assistant director of Greek Life.

Schuman graduated from the University of Nebraska with an undergraduate degree in organizational communications. It wasn’t long after he received his master’s degree in school counseling student affairs that he found himself on HPU’s campus.

“I meet with the IFC and various chapters to provide support and resources to help them be successful,” Schuman said. “Our team provides support to the students and ensures our facilities meet HPU standards.”

Schuman’s position entails overseeing the Greek Village and all 360 university owned houses, which includes supervising 13 Resident Assistants and 180 Greek students. “Meeting a first-year student and being able to assist them on their journey through college and seeing who they become is remarkable,” Schuman said.

Having had mentors who helped him on his own journey, Schuman strives to do the same with this position. “I hope to be able to pay it forward to the students I work with,” Schuman said.

While participating in a fraternity in college, Schuman found a great passion for volunteering. In addition to his duties at HPU, Schuman also spends much of his time doing service and giving back to the community.

“I currently serve as the chairman and founder of my fraternity’s alumni association,” Schuman said. “My philanthropy of choice is St. Jude, which I believe is a tremendous organization which is doing great work for children.”

While moving over 1,000 miles from Nebraska to North Carolina was out of Schuman’s comfort zone, he is excited about his position and his future at HPU.

“I’m simply looking forward to working with HPU students over the next few years and just seeing how things progress,” Schuman said.