High Point University

Spanish conversations strengthen speaking skills

By Caroline Wheatley // Staff Writer 

The High Point University Spanish Club works to promote Hispanic culture throughout campus and the local community. Using activities such as film showings, cultural dinners and weekly conversations to accomplish this goal, the club hopes to educate HPU students as well as the community about the thriving Hispanic culture. The club meets various times throughout the week with its members to plan these events and ensure a successful semester.
One of the most popular activities they plan, Tertulia, is held every Friday from noon to 1 p.m. in Cottrell Hall, in the International Student Concourse above Starbucks. Led by a student advisor or faculty member, Tertulia is an opportunity for students to hold conversations in Spanish, accompanied by a variety of different activities. These activities are designed to strengthen their verbal communication skills, as well as to practice their vocabulary, grammar and syntax.
These activities range from basic question and answers to story narration in Spanish. A designated student leader helps to run these activities and also works as a translator for students who are still trying to grasp the language.
In one of the first activities, students are given laminated pictures and are asked to tell a short story in Spanish based on what they see in the photo. Other students are encouraged to elaborate on these stories. After each student has gone, the pictures are switched and the exercise starts again. When this is complete, students are given index cards with questions in Spanish for them to read and answer aloud. Again the cards are switched, giving every student the opportunity to answer all the questions. Exercises like this encourage students to work on their verbal speaking ability, something that they may not get the opportunity to do in class.
“Tertulia is a great opportunity to talk to people that are not in your class and to challenge yourself to become a better Spanish speaker,” said Hannah Gordner, freshman.
While some Spanish classes require their students to attend, other professors offer extra credit to their students for attending these weekly meetings.
“There are not many opportunities to speak Spanish,” said Jordan Krisfalusi, freshman. “Tertulia is the perfect place for students to get the opportunity to practice and strengthen their Spanish speaking skills.”
Tertulia is held for an hour each week and students are encouraged to come as their schedule allows.
The Spanish Club is also open to any student that wishes to learn more about Spanish culture and all are invited to attend. If you have any questions about how to get involved in the Spanish club, contact faculty adviser Dr. Adam Winkel at awinkel@highpoint.edu.