High Point University

HPU remembers Mario Mayorga at Super Mario 5k

Hundreds of students honored the life of Mario Mayorga at the Super Mario 5k on Nov. 21. Photo submitted

By Madeline Travell, Organizations Editor//
Following the tragic passing of High Point University student Mario Mayorga last April, the resilience of the community was exemplified by the first annual Super Mario 5k on Nov. 21.
This 5k was hosted by HPU junior Blake Pohanka, who believes it is important to bring the community together to celebrate Mayorga’s life.
“While I personally did not know Mario, my heart immediately broke for his family the moment I heard the tragic news about his passing,” Pohanka said. “I knew I was at a very special school, but until the night of Mario’s vigil, I did not realize the extent of the compassionate, caring, supportive and remarkable family that I have in the HPU community. That night I stood amongst his fraternity brothers, his best friends, his professors, other faculty, our President, people who have never met, nor seen him. We were united in Mario.”
Along with Pohanka, HPU junior Hannah Smith helped with creating interest for the event and encouraging people to register for the race.
“Even though I did not know Mario personally, every time I saw him or had a little interaction with him, whether I was picking up a package at the post office or just passing him on campus, he was always so genuinely nice and always smiling no matter what,” Smith said. “I could not be more excited to celebrate his life.”
The turnout for the 5k walk/run mirrored that of the attendance for the vigil. Many of the sports teams showed up for the event as well as friends, classmates, and fellow brothers of Kappa Alpha fraternity along with many members of the Greek community.
There were more than 200 registered for the event that raised more than $7,500 towards a permanent memorial bench. The bench will be placed on campus in honor of Mayorga.
At the opening ceremony for the race, KA brother Michael Esposito spoke on behalf of his fraternity.
“I would like to thank all who have helped us and it has been truly remarkable,” Esposito said. “It’s hard to say something about someone who should be here today. Go out of your way to make others feel important and live by his example.”
A close friend, Jack Bland, also said a few words to remember Mayorga by before the start of the race.
“Mario was one of my best friends here at HPU,” Bland said. “He lived down the hall from me in Finch and when I would see him, he would not just smile back but ask me about my day too. He would pick me up from a bad day with just a smile.”
Before the start of the race, the participants were reminded to look around them and appreciate the support that the HPU family offers to each and every member. Students wore pink in celebration of Mayorga’s life, as it was his favorite and signature color.
As Mayorga said himself, everyone should always remember to “take the time to appreciate what you have around you, because one day you might find yourself in a different place.”