High Point University

HPU helps families in need celebrate the holiday season

HPU students works to make the holidays special for the High Point community. Photo by: Veronica Fulton

By Erika Esterline, Staff Writer//
With Christmas quickly approaching and decorations being set out, those who are not fortunate enough to celebrate the holidays to the same extent as others are often forgotten.
With over a fifth of the country currently below the poverty line, there are a variety of needs to be met in preparation for the holidays here in High Point, especially this time of year as temperatures drop. This prompted the High Point University community to take action and make a difference in the High Point community.
This is what made former Dean of Students and Alumni Gart Evans decide to partner with the Salvation Army and begin the Office of Student Life Stockings project several years ago. According to Rayma Caulfield in the Office of Student Life, the project has a huge impact on the community.
“Every stocking is distributed at the local Salvation Army during their Christmas event,” Caulfield said. “The red stockings are a wonderful way to connect to a local child who may otherwise never experience the joy and anticipation of having a Christmas stocking as we all have.”
Each year the Stuff a Stocking Campaign has been gaining momentum, especially as more teams and clubs collectively donate stockings.
“The Stuff a Stocking Campaign has always been a favorite of the faculty, staff and student body,” Caulfield said. “This year the Entrepreneurship Club, the Men’s Lacrosse Team, Tri Sigma, Men’s and Women’s Track and Field, the Baseball Team, and Women’s Soccer are just some of the donators. The Student Government Association is a huge supporter as well as the men and women in Security. Last year we donated 750 stockings and we hope this year to top 800.”
Students can participate and give back to our local community by picking up a stocking in student life and returning it by Dec. 11 filled with some of the recommended items.