High Point University

Civitan Club contributes to CROP

Civitan Club at the Flapjack Fundraiser. Photo submitted.

By Madeline Travell, Organizations Editor//

The Civitan Club is an international organization that has a local chapter at High Point University. The mission of the HPU chapter is to assist the homeless with a global focus on ending world hunger. The club’s fundraising efforts teamed up with Applebee’s restaurant who holds sponsor events to benefit area organizations.
HPU’s Civitan Club hosted an All-you-can-eat Flapjack Fundraiser at Applebee’s on Sept. 12. The club advertised the event in the Campus Concierge daily update where there was a link to purchase a ticket to the event with transportation available.
HPU’s Civitan Club is raising money for Open Door Ministries of High Point’s annual CROP (Christian Rural Overseas Program) Hunger Walk. According to the CROP Hunger Walk website, the funds that the Civitan Club contributes to the CROP Hunger Walk will support the overall ministry of Church World Service, especially grassroots, hunger-fighting development efforts around the world.
The Civitan Club at HPU has a goal of raising $2,000 and have raised approximately a fourth of their objective so far through donations and fundraising. The club added another $250 to their funds from the Flapjack event, reaching their halfway benchmark. They had a turn out of 38 people come to eat pancakes for their cause and to help further bolster their fundraising, the club hosted a Barberitos night on Sept. 21 to help reach their goal. As of now, HPU Civitan Club is the leading online team for fundraising. The fundraising efforts are still going on and they hope to reach their end-goal.
The walk will be Sept. 27. The walk will begin at the First Baptist Church on North Main Street. Registration will be at 3 p.m. and the walk will begin at 4 p.m.
Whether it is participating in the walk, donating, or both, there are many ways to support the organization. The club has made contentious efforts to include both the city of High Point and the HPU community in creating interest and support.
“I joined Civitan last fall and it was one of the greatest decisions I made in college. All throughout high school, I volunteered within my community back home and I knew that I wanted to continue doing so here. Civitan has given me various leadership opportunities and allowed me to really find my place here at HPU,” Kayla Jones, Vice President of Civitan Club, said.