High Point University

Mobile app allows for faster food service

By Meg Thomson, Staff Writer //

When students are studying or writing papers, it is disrupting and bother- some to wait in a long line for food. It can turn getting a quick bite before class into an hour affair. To combat this problem, Aramark has partnered with TapinGo to implement the TapinGo online ordering system at High Point University to make things easier for students.

TapinGo is an online food ordering system that allows students to place orders via the TapinGo app and receive alerts and text messages when their order is ready for pick up. It directly deducts your meal from your passport, so you don’t have to worry about swiping your card when you pick it up.

The app allows students, especially those with long hours, to be able to coordinate meal times in their small free periods during the day.

“I work a lot of hours on campus,” said sophomore Nick Stigler. “I really like how I can order my food ahead of time, get off work, and have it be ready for me to take back to my room.”

The implementation of the app has been in progress since last summer.

“We had hoped to have the app implemented by the opening of school in August,” said Laura Thompson, Resident District Manager of Aramark. “We had some outside constraints that did not allow that, so we were finally able to launch about two weeks ago.”

The app’s response from students has been extremely positive. Students have been placing between 600 and 700 orders per week, and over 25 percent of the student body is registered. The app is implemented in five different locations on campus: The Great Day Bakery, The Grille, The Silver Line Diner, The Point and the Wanek Center Starbucks.

Catertrax, the previous online ordering system used by HPU, received many complaints and had several of glitches during its use at HPU.

“It would go down during peak times and we had lots of problems. We decided that we needed to find a solution, so I did some research and found TapinGo,” said Thompson. “Through a lot of work from my mar- keting team, HPU’s IT team and TapinGo were able to get it to HPU, and hopefully we are meeting our stu- dents’ needs.”

Students love the new app, saying that it makes their experience at the dining locations much easier and time-efficient.

“I absolutely love the new system,” said junior Mayeesa Mitchell. “I’ve used it almost 10 times since it has been implemented on campus. The app makes it so much simpler.”

The app has become a reliable way for students to pre-order their meals on campus. It’s time efficient and cost effective, and it prevents wasted food that is never paid for by charging students’ accounts when the food is ordered.

“The Tapingo app is very helpful,” said sophomore Brian Morgan. “It works much better than the old soft- ware and is very easy to use. Having it as an app makes things even better.”