Decision 2012, voters wanted

What an exciting time of the year to be a North Carolinian!
As we end a long winter (if you even want to call it that), the spring temperatures have heated things up here in the Tar Heel State. But 80-degree days are not the only thing heating up North Carolina – election season is upon us.
This season, North Carolina voters have a very important job on two critical election days. First, on May 8, voters get the opportunity not only to cast their ballots for Republican presidential candidates, but also the chance to voice their opinion on same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage is a hot issue in North Carolina and I predict a record number turnout for both Republican and Democratic primaries.
Second, on November 6, North Carolina voters have the opportunity to decide even more. With current governor, Beverly Perdue announcing she will not seek reelection, voters will seek to elect a new governor. Most importantly, this great state will most likely decide which way the presidential election will go.
As you remember, Senator Barack Obama keyed on North Carolina in 2008, won the state, and won the presidency. He has already indicated he is planning on spending millions again in North Carolina with frequent visits to the Triad, Triangle, and several universities. Moreover, the Democratic National Convention is in Charlotte this year.
So what does this all mean?
There has never been a more important time in North Carolina’s history to be a registered voter. High Point University’s Survey Research Center has found that most voters are split on all candidates running for office in 2012, more of a reason to get to the voting booth to change all of that.
In 2010, the U.S. Census found the 18-24 age bracket had the lowest number of registered voters at less than 50 percent (43.1 percent). Yet, many argue President Obama was propelled to the White House by winning the registered voters age 18-24.
We all have annual duties that are not typically favorable: going to the dentist, getting a physical, filing taxes, taking final exams.
Add voting to that list. It is essential and equally as important as the list of duties above. If you’re not registered, go online to your home state’s website and do some research to find out how to register – it is simple.
The typical response of college students’ lack of voting is “well, one vote is not going to be a difference.”
This ignorant response couldn’t be further from the truth. Voting is important, and this year, even more important. Too much is at stake to sit idle on Election Day, especially in states such as North Carolina.
If you’re unsure on how to vote, or not well versed on the issues at stake, go online to various candidates’ websites and research their stances on certain issues. We are all humans and we naturally have opinions.
Voice yours via the ballot box.